Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Say No to the Washington Blame Game--Take Action!

We have seen a lot of political turmoil lately. The 2012 election season was full of attack ads and empty promises, we've had financial ceilings and cliffs come and go over the last couple of years, and our country is more divided than it's been in 150 years. 

The thing that troubles me the most about this is that when I listen to the news I hear blame, not a call to action. It doesn't matter what station I listen to: if it's MSNBC they're blaming the Republicans; if it's FOX they're blaming President Obama. But on no station do I hear, "Our country is in trouble; let's put our party differences aside, come together, and get it back on track."

The "sequester" is coming in 24 hours. It seems to me that everyone in Washington is playing a game of "chicken," with the American people as the one who will have to pick up the pieces. The politicians are blaming each other and then sitting at home, with no meetings or phone calls on the books, waiting for the other side to blink. 

I want to be very clear: I am not at all blinded by my past involvement with the Obama campaign. I am incredibly frustrated with Obama and the Democratic party, as well as the Republicans. 

I feel cheated: I worked for Obama for three months to get him re-elected because he promised a better tomorrow, a better country. Kentucky is slated to lose 150 teaching jobs if the sequester happens. My fiancé is a first year teacher and his is the only income we have right now. If Josh loses his job because Obama and Congress can't get their act together to fix this mess that they put us in, you'd better believe that I'll be very vocal about what my president and my congressmen have done for me.

We get to elect our leaders, but I don't feel like we've elected leaders. I feel like we've elected 15 year old boys to Capitol Hill and they're acting like children, refusing to talk to the guys they don't agree with. They need to get it together and remember that they are representing us, the people of America

They have the honor of having been chosen to represent us at the highest level and they are not taking that seriously. It seems to me that most of the people in Washington (the president, senators, and representatives) are more interested in their own political gain than doing what's right for the people

Contact your congressmen and congresswomen, as well as your president. Tell them that you don't agree with the way they're doing business on your behalf and you expect better from the people you sent to Washington in your stead.

Contact Info:

The only way we will get this country back on track is to stop joining in the blame game. We need to take action, not spend article after article blaming the "other side." We are better than that! Our country is one that has been built on its citizens taking action, not its people complaining until someone else fixes our problems.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi


  1. This is what happens when we allow BIG government to form at both the state and especially the federal levels. It begins to take over our lives and we no longer have as much control over our personal, everyday decisions. Depending on the the government for our livelihood(jobs), let alone our healthcare, personal safety, education..not to mention our BIRTH CONTROL?!? Crazy, if you ask me. I don't want these 15 year olds disregarding the Constitution and trying to control all aspects of my life--BEWARE, it's happening so quickly!

    1. Honestly, in regards to birth control, mine is free now because of Obamacare! lol In terms of the rest of it, yep, it's happening way too fast.

    2. LOL?! I hope, for your sake, that they don't start messing with your personal health choices now that you are beholden to them for your 'free' birth control. You may not pay for it in $$, but believe me, someday you will. As for now, all of us who pay taxes pay. Where in the Constitution was this?!?

  2. We have brought all this upon ourselves. WE are responsible for the 'leadership' we have. The media is not doing it's job by objectively vetting the people running for office--we're being lied to and manipulated. Too many in our country want someone to take care of them from cradle to grave--even things as personal as birth control. The sequester will only cut the rate of growth--it's not actual 'cuts'. For ex: If I plan to buy a car with a mo. payment of $500 but end up buying one for $300, I didn't save $200, I spent $300! We're still spending the money budgeted, we just didn't increase the spending by as much. I wish I could explain it better. If I spend $20,000 on a new roof this year for my house, then I would be required (according to baseline budgeting) to spend the same amount the following year whether I needed to or not. No bank would finance this year in and out--I would bankrupt myself as the snowball would continue to get larger each year.

    1. Interesting point! I hadn't thought of it in terms of personal banking. That's a very good way to look at it--puts it in perspective. :-)

  3. Gee, I'm sorry you feel this way. This is exactly what those of us characterized as "extreme right" because we believe that government and our leaders should abide by the Constitution, have been warning about. Didn't think I'd see people starting to wake up to what's happening this quickly. Good for you for opening your eyes, no matter how painful it is, and seeing the truth of what's happening. Even our horrible mainstream media cannot protect the president and get away with blaming it all on one minority party, without the public seeing what's happening. Thank goodness for alternative media sources!

    1. Don't act like the "extreme right" is the way to go on this and that you guys have been "warning" us about this. The extreme right has a very large role to play in this and I'm extremely angry with my Kentucky senators (Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell, neither of whom I voted for).

      The comment that you just left is what I was warning against in this piece: bipartisanship. We need to come together. Running around with an "I told you so" attitude is not only inaccurate, because this isn't what you've been warning about, but also just bad manners and incredibly unproductive.

    2. Mr. McConnell is not conservative and, I agree, a major part of the problem(he's in the minority and has very little power). Mr. Paul is conservative and has been warning us about our bloated gov't. What I'm warning about and have been is government taking over every aspect of our lives and holding us hostage to it. For one brief moment I thought maybe you got it. The Constitution says that our gov't is responsible to uphold our individual liberties by protecting our people from outside forces that would do us harm and allowing us the free exercise of our Creator-given (God given)rights. It's turned into something altogether different with tenticles in every aspect of our daily lives; this creates fear, uncertainty, and hopelessness. We're no longer in control. I'm so glad you have your free birth control--just wait til they start messing with that.

    3. I think your response to Anon--the one who says he/she is characterized as "extreme right"--illustrates precisely why we don't have bipartisanship right now. When people disagree and then tell their opponents that they are simply not right, have bad manners, and are non-productive--I think that is the height of partisanship. You simply dismissed this person with no regard to his/her perspective.

      For the record, the Constitutional right (extreme right)has not been in power since Reagan; Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 were all relative moderates. Therefore, blaming them for our current problems is stretching it a bit.

      You have a good forum going here--there is a lot to be learned here if we all try to understand where the other is coming from without getting our egos in bunch! :)

  4. It's so necessary to call for bipartisanship when we have a president who's staff is threatening reporters who are reporting rather than spinning the news to suit the administration; who is lying about sequestration; who is traveling all over the country rather than governing in DC; who is picking and choosing which laws he'll enforce, etc...who must deal with a Congress which is totally ineffectual, totally out of touch with the public, and totally unable to put the country,as a whole,ahead of their personal ambitions. It's a MESS!
