Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boston: Blossoming from Disaster

This morning I woke up and looked out on a rainy grey morning. But then I realized that it was less grey than usual. Seemingly overnight, little green leaves have appeared on every tree and bush, brushing the landscape with a hope of sorts: the promise of spring.

And there was one tree off in the distance with white flowers on it. It reminded me that above everything else, we can rise and blossom. And we must.

Today I am not concerned about sharing strong opinions. I am exhausted from seeing the same footage from Boston and thinking about how the victims' lives have changed forever. I know that it is perhaps rude of me to say that I'm tired since I'm not there, but I don't think I'm the only one to have this sentiment. We need to stop seeing photos of carnage and continue grieving so that we, as a country, can start healing.

So, today is about remembering the victims of the Boston bombings and working together to move forward. Here's a great USA Today article with some ways we can help Boston recover.

Let's stick together. Let's stay strong.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi

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