Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering September 11, 2001

This was the view from my balcony this morning of the edge of night receding. On this eleventh anniversary of September 11, 2001, I think it's important to take a moment to be still. Watching the edge of night disappear over the horizon making way for a beautiful blue sky was my moment. Not to sound incredibly cliche, but I hope we will get to see the edge of killing recede in our lifetimes. Listening to the local news this morning, I heard three different murders mentioned. Then on national news, an airstrike that killed members of Al-Quaeda in Iran was featured. Of course, the victims of the attacks on September 11, 2001 were mentioned as well. We need to work toward a more peaceful and tolerant world. Today give yourself a moment to remember the people who have died because of the intolerance of others. Then take another moment to think about your own intolerances of others. How does the way your intolerance hurt other people? It probably doesn't kill them, but killing usually doesn't start with killing; it starts with intolerance. Try to understand why your intolerance exists and then try to see the other side. Today work toward a more peaceful world by shelving your own intolerance and accepting others for who they are. This is the only way to start the cycle of tolerance and peace. It starts with you.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi


  1. It starts with US. I don't care for your assumption that("you") WE are not tolerant, but need you, who are, to lecture US. I think you mean well, but just look at how you lecture. WOW such presumption!

  2. I wasn't lecturing, I was encouraging. I agree that it starts with us! I know we are all in this together, and I didn't mean to come across as presumptive or arrogant. For the record, I don't feel that I am as tolerant as I could be. I just think that working on tolerance together is important. Perhaps my word choice was wrong. I'm sorry it came across in that manner.
