Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Romney's Secret Video

Oh, Mitt. This video may be another thread pulled in your undoing. Why, in this age of technology and social media, would you say something controversial to the 1% that you assume is going to stay in that room? Nothing that happens in ________ stays in ________ anymore, no matter where that place is.

I enjoyed Obama's response on the Letterman Show last night. It is the president's responsibility to be the president of the country, not just the 47% who vote for him. In my opinion, it's almost more important to work with the citizens who do not agree with him, than the ones who do. I mean, although I am reveling in the fact that Romney keeps metaphorically shooting himself in the foot, he almost has a  case in saying that there are people who are going to vote for Obama just because he's Obama and their minds will not be changed by anything he says. But, that doesn't mean he shouldn't reach out to them. Working with the opposing side is almost always more important than catering to the people you already know are on your side. You need to keep your allies happy, don't misunderstand, but they will stay by your side while you work on bringing people on the other side around.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day! I will--I'm headed off to see Natalie Portman speak at the Obama for America's Ohio Women Vote 2012 Summit (that name is too long)! I'll update throughout the day on twitter and facebook, so if you want to follow the Summit, that's great. If not, I'll let you know how it went tomorrow... :)

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi


  1. He wasn't talking about who he would work with, he was simply stating a fact that a lot of people won't vote for him because he has a philosophical difference with people dependent on the government and those who don't pay taxes. Mother Jones just admitted that 2 minutes of the tape is missing--the whole thing is out of context; also, we don't know what question he was asked-in what context. I like the way Obama has been bringing our country together,how he's been working with congress and our allies around the world--WOW!(being sarcastic)

    1. I don't really think the sarcasm is warranted. I don't mind all the different opinions, but I would really appreciate it if they were kept civil.

      This episode of the daily show that was run last night has a really nice graphic about the people who "don't pay taxes." Romney needs to check in to the constituency he is insulting before he does so. Please check it out as well, since it seems you are assuming the same thing he did. Thanks! :)

    2. This election is about the direction that we want to take our country-not about Obama or Romney. I think that is why people are so hot-under-collar and using sarcasm to get their point across. We need to go back to adhereing to our Constitution. We've lost our footing as we have leaders who no longer feel they need to follow it and other leaders who don't have the guts to make sure that they do. I'm done. Thanks for letting me spout off, but I'm finished. I don't feel this is for me. The issues are just too serious to be summed up by The Daily show or GMA.

    3. Thanks so much for your opinion! I appreciate you "spouting off"--I feel like there need to be more places that people feel comfortable sharing their opinion. I'm sorry that you feel this blog is not a good place for you, but I appreciate your comments!

      GMA is the morning show of ABC. CBS, CNN, MSN, and FOX all have morning shows. Is it just the fact that it's ABC, so it's a liberal biased network and that's why you feel like it's not "serious"? I agree that the Daily Show is a comedic show, but I also think there are some really good points made on that program that people write off just because it's on Comedy Central.

  2. I respectfully disagree. I credit you for posting the last comment, especially since you think it is not civil. I don't consider sarcasm as uncivil. Political commentary in our 1st Amendment country has been used to make points since our country began. I think it's fine that your sources for news seem to be GMA, the Daily show(very funny), but perhaps you'd like to watch and read from other news sources that may not be the mainstream. Media Matters and the White House have just been proven to be coluding on news stories and the spin put on them.You may be surprised: Obamacare stats just came out today re: costs etc. Wonder if the mainstream media will cover that; will they cover the "cover-up" re: the Libyan consulate; There is so much going on that you may be missing. It's really hairy out here and it's hard to see people just buy into everything they hear with out digging and double checking sources. By the way, in the incomplete(Mother Jones admitted to editing it today) clip of Romney, he wasn't insulting any group; he was just stating that people who don't pay taxes and don't have a stake in how their taxes are spent, probably won't be voting for him. At least that is how I heard it. We all hear things through our own filter. You may like to read: Ameritopia by Mark Levin :)Thank you

    1. Thanks! :) Like I said in my reply to Anonymous, I get that The Daily Show is comedy, but I think there are some good points made. I agree that I should get my news from other sources, too! I'm in the habit of staying in my comfort zone by watching the shows I'm used to watching, but now that I'm blogging on politics, I guess I should expand my horizons. :) Also, thanks for the Mark Levin suggestion--I'll look into it! :)

  3. Great idea. Can I suggest that you get on the Drudge Report? He has a list at the bottom left of many news sources--some lean left, some right. In the middle of his page, he has a list of columnists who comment on the stories of the day. I like to look at a story on Drudge and then go to other sites, Politico, Brietbart, Daily Beast, Daily Caller, some of the British sites and compare reports in order to make up my own mind. I've suggested this to some of my beautiful 'liberal' friends who love Obama--they don't want to hear or read anything that doesn't show Obama in a favorable light. Not good. We need to inform ourselves in order to vote responsibly. Just voting on feel-good emotions is not good. Both parties are responsible for where our country is today, but ultimately WE are responsible.
