Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Should Some States Secede?

Following the re-election of President Obama, 20 states are petitioning the federal government for secession. My sister-in-law shared this a few days ago and I thought it was a joke! Then I started hearing about it from more sources. The states that want to secede include Kentucky and Montana; the two states I've lived in. The author of the previously linked article says to let the states that want to secede do so. I take exception to this.

I don't want you to think I'm freaking out about all this; I don't believe that we are in danger of seceding from the U.S. because Obama would have to sign off on that, and he has enough sense to not allow 2/5 of his country to leave. But I do want to talk about this a little bit.

How is it possible that people feel that they would be better off if they were not part of the United States? I understand all too well the anger of losing an election, but would these states really be better off not being part of the union?

None of the states on the list have a budget surplus, which means they would have to find some way to generate money quickly. Really, the best way to do that is to raise taxes. But most of these states don't want to raise taxes--hence the reason they want to secede. So how would they raise money?

How would they get money to fix the interstates that run through their states (or countries, I guess)? How would they keep the schools that are receiving federal funding open? Free and reduced lunches are funded by the government (at least in KY); who would pay for those? Some of the KY farmers have gotten government subsidies for their crops during this drought; would the state government help those farmers out? How would we have a military? I don't want to go back to little warring city-states like there were in ancient Greece.

There are so many reasons to stay in the union. Being unhappy with the results of the election is just part of the deal when you're in a democracy. To the people who want to secede, man up. There is absolutely no reason for you to be such drama queens in this situation. Just get over yourselves and work with what you have. That's what the other half of the country did during the Bush years.

As for me, if KY secedes, I'm making my own country and you're all welcome!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi


  1. I enjoy reading your blog when i get the chance. and im aware this is off topic, but one thing i know about you is that you are very much so in favor of the advancement of women to the point where they are finally seen as equal to men in our society. I think that is a good good thing. However, it struck me to read the words "man up" and "drama queen" in the final paragraph of this post. though unintentionally, i believe that is language that will continue to be divisive.

    1. The "other half of the country during the Bush years" were rude, disrespectful and divisive. There was even a movie about killing Bush! Liberals never "get over themselves"--they are always in campaign mode, always protecting the president-even to the point of not reporting on news that would damage the president.That protection, along with voter fraud and the pounding negative fear ads is what won the election for Obama. Open your eyes. You really need to do your homework and look at ALL media.

    2. Hey there--
      I must have accidentally deleted my qualifier! I had a sentence that addressed the "man" "queen" situation. Sorry about that! Yes, I agree that it IS divisive language!

  2. How will the states raise revenue without having a tax increase, you ask? They would cut massive regulations on businesses and not have Obamacare (have competitive insurance options)thus releasing businesses to thrive. More businesses would flock to the states so that they could be successful and grow. With tax rates staying the same, business would make more money-paying more in taxes(the gov't would create more revenue); they would be hiring more people who would also be paying taxes and spending in the community(spurring the economy) rather than living on welfare or unemployment. The businesses would be paying the same percentage in taxes, but it would be the same percentage of a much bigger pie-Win for the business and their employees and win for the gov't. This is basic economics. I was taught this in college by a very honest, ultra-radical liberal with a fantasticly humorous personality; however, he did not allow his agenda to cloud the facts. He was/is right. Maybe more people should take Econ 101.

    1. With businesses having the liberty to have whatever insurance they want, sure that would raise revenue. But what would it do to the people? I live in KY and, while I'm not from here, I understand that there are many people in this state who cannot afford healthcare.

      As for your comment about econ 101, you're right; I wish I'd taken it! Music school doesn't exactly prepare you for political debates. I will definitely do more homework before I post something about economics again.

  3. WOW-just watched the video of Bono at Georgetown University giving a speech. He praised George W Bush (and, later, Bill Clinton)on his massive aid program for Africa and their AIDS problem. He said that Africa is beginning to soar economically due to Bush's promotion of "entreprenurial capitalism" and went on to say that, "we all know that aid is just a stop-gap measure and that entreprenurial capitalism" is the only way to uplift the continent. I love it!!! Econ 101!!

    1. I guess I can understand this, but I really think it's silly to listen to someone who was born and raised in Ireland talk about what he thinks is best for an entire continent. I've lived in a third-world country and "entrepreneurial capitalism" is NOT the "only way to uplift the" country. Capitalism is actually destroying that country; it takes away from their original culture and makes them focus on what they don't have instead of making them realizing the great things they DO have in their culture.

  4. I've noticed that you've stopped responding to people who disagree or reply with a different opinion on your blog. That's a shame because that was one of the reasons I enjoyed reading your blog and the comments that followed.

    1. Hi--
      I'm sorry; I'm not meaning to be rude. I've been cooking almost nonstop for two days to get ready for a huge bake sale tomorrow. I've got 6 dozen cupcakes and over a hundred chocolates. I've just been busy; the comments I don't agree with take more time to reply to, so I wanted to make sure I had the time to answer them the way I wanted to.
      I hope you'll keep reading and I'll catch up on these comments!

    2. Bono meant capitalism was the only long-term solution: aid runs out, other countries can't/won't support Africa forever with aid. I've been to 3rd world countries as well. All(that i've seen) have been using the beautiful aspects of their culture to attract visitors to learn more about them and to help provide for their families(better education and healthcare) and their participation in the global community. No personal offence intended, but you are very close-minded on some issues and you're putting down 3rd world countries as not smart enough to be able to figure things out for themselves. Let them figure out what is best for them--why should you or we decide?

  5. I thought Medicaid was in place for people who can't afford health insurance. I think you have a negative idea of what capitalism is. What if you needed income and had a passion for making cupcakes and scarves. Under the free market you could sell or trade your items for money or items you need. You get to live your passion and make a living for yourself and your family. You get pride and self-satisfaction by creating and other people benefit from your production. Also, you are being responsible for providing for your family; you can make your own decisions on healthcare, education, religion for yourself and your family. IT FEELS GOOD TO BE FREE!!! Capitalism unfettered (which we don't have here in the US)provides tax revenue, jobs, expands our ability to create and gives people the freedom to follow their dreams. However if you provide people who think they are entitled with a minimum income, it stifles motivation--especially if you continually tell those people that they have been held down, are not capable and won't succeed without gov't help and fill them full of fear; all of this I saw in the last campaign--very sad.Pathetic, actually.
