Monday, February 18, 2013

Lenten Acts of Kindness Days 1-5

Good Monday morning!

Last week I mentioned that during Lent I would be doing kind things every day instead of giving something up. Giving is something that, in my opinion, is more Christ-like than giving something up during this season. To hold myself accountable, I also said that I would be giving weekly updates on what I did each day. So here's the first report!

Day 1. Wednesday: I called my little sister and we talked for over an hour. She and I lived together through college and ever since I moved away, it's been hard to keep up with her. Making the conscious decision to call her made her feel good because I cared enough to call, and it made me feel good because I like hearing about what she's up to these days.

Day 2. Thursday: Valentine's Day! My fiancĂ© had work all day and then a meeting in the evening, so we decided to have a low-key time and go on a date on Friday. But I decided it would be nice to make dinner for him. I made a very nice rotini dinner and he was happy. I like making making him happy. :-)

Day 3. Friday: I moved away from Montana when I was 13 years old. Until then, I saw my grandparents every week. I've done my best to stay in touch with them because I miss them and I know it means a lot to them for me to keep up with them. I gave them a call and we talked for about 45 minutes. They always thank me at the end of our conversations and I know it makes them happy when I call. I like talking with them, too!

Day 4. Saturday: My dad is working on his doctoral degree in education. He's going to graduate in May! Part of his work is interviewing Ethiopians about education. He has a lot of video interviews and needs them transcribed so that he can write about them. Now, I'm not doing it for free, but I worked on getting these videos typed out for him for a couple of hours on Saturday. It helps him with his work and it helps me make a little bit of cash. :-)

Day 5. Sunday: My fiancĂ© and I take some time each week to talk about our relationship. I don't know if you count this as an "act of kindness," but lately I've been working really hard on listening more and talking less. Yesterday we had a great conversation about where we are and what we want for the future. A lot of this had to do with the fact that I was willing to listen and not be so defensive. It made a difference to Josh. :-)

Off for another week of acts of kindness! Hope you all are having success in your giving ways, too!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi

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