Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Graphs and Stats: Twitter

I am obsessed with social media. I blog, tweet+1, like, pin, and promote everything. Last week I shared this photo of my phone's social media folder. -->

The first thing I do when I wake up at 5:30am is turn my phone on (I sleep with it off so that my brain doesn't get fried by whatever is going in my phone lol), get my new notifications (from everything), and check Twitter.

I blog every morning while I watch the morning news. During that time I'm on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

Throughout the day, my phone is with me constantly. I respond to tweets, comments, +1s, messages, repins, and conversations as soon as I get them.

I tweet while I watch live shows like Good Morning Tri-State, Good Morning America, Early Start, Starting Point with Soledad O'Brien, Live with Kelly and Michael, The Lead with Jake Tapper, Piers Morgan Live, and ABC World News. More often than not, I get tweeted by the anchors or the PR of the show!

Last night I was on Twitter during the season premiere of Dancing with the Stars. I don't watch the show (I had to quit when I started ballroom a few years ago--their technique makes me want to die) but Twitter was blowing up during last night's episode. It got me thinking about Twitter and I started Googling stuff about Twitter this morning.

While I was researching I found twitaholic.com. I decided to see my Twitter statistics and found this very interesting stat:
I am the top ranked Twitter user in Northern Kentucky. Me. This blew my mind! 

I realized that my social media networking "strategy" is: tweet. So I started digging for more Twitter stats and found this amazing report from October 2012 by beevolve.com

The average user has 208 followers. I have 446 followers. The graph below (from the aforementioned report) shows that I have more followers than over 87% of Twitter users. 

I am, however, below target when it comes to how many followers I have (446) in relation to how many tweets I've tweeted (4,922).

According to our next amazing graph from this beautifully done report, I am in the top 4% when it comes to how many people I follow (1,148).

The other graph I found interesting shows that I'm going about website thing all wrong. Family and technology are the top two categories to talk about on twitter. For women (obviously more of my target audience), the top three categories are family, arts, and entertainment. Maybe I should have named my site "FamilyChick" or "ArtsyChick" or something instead pushing the envelope by trying to have too many opinions.

So, why does finding this out do anything except waste three hours of my morning? It means that now I can have a more targeted approach to Twitter, and so can you! One of my biggest "problems" is that I talk about current issues instead of family, music, and TV. Am I going to start peppering in some more fluff? Sure! Will I start watching Dancing with the Stars to up my ratings? Well, that's a harder question. ;-)

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi

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