Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Knitting/Crocheting Patterns

Happy First Day of Spring!!! Has spring sprung where you are, yet? It definitely hasn't here! Our high today is only 37 degrees. Brr!

It's cold, so we have to still wear "winter wear." But it's spring, so we want to wear bright, fun colors! I decided that I would share some of my favorite patterns of things to make to keep you warm, but still be fun and cute for spring!

The middle flower.
1. Crocheted Flower Scarf. This is actually a triangle pattern, but I only did the flower in the middle. I'm going to make a bunch of them and join them together as a scarf! This way, if you wrap it around a few times it will keep you warm, but you can still use it when it gets a little warmer because it's so thin.

Fun starburst scarf!
2. Crocheted Starburst Granny Square Scarf. I love this starburst pattern--it's really easy and I just made a few squares and put them together! Make it in crazy bright colors and it'll really pop. 

Don't have time to make it? Pick your own colors and buy it here.

3. Knitted Fun Fur Scarf. This one is very easy:
Pair a regular yarn (mine is orange) with a fun fur (blue).
Optional: Add any other yarn or fiber you want to knit in (I used a string of multi-colored puffballs.). -->
Grab your size 10 needles.
Cast on as many stitches as you want your scarf to be wide. I think this one is 20 stitches wide.
Keep knitting until your scarf is as long as you want it to be.
Cast off.
Sew in ends.
Wear with a fabulous attitude!

Who doesn't love fun fur?!
Not in the mood to make it? Buy it here.

It's hard for knitters and crocheters to get excited about spring because we usually can't wear or use what we make--it's too hot! But this year, we've got it in the bag. It's freezing outside and people are looking forward to spring.

So grab your coffee, yarn, and put in a good movie. Happy knitting/crocheting on this chilly spring day!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi

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