Friday, March 15, 2013

5 Steps to Get from Grumpy to Groovy

I slept terribly last night. I never get enough sleep, and the sleep I do get is always filled with weird dreams (last night was about a hurricane on Lake Ontario...where did that come from?). I woke up this morning in one of the worst moods I've had. It didn't help that the humidity level was at 91%; the higher the humidity level is, the more pain I'm in. The minute I woke up, one of my amazing kittens that I love so much (note the sarcasm) decided it was snuggle time and stuck his wet little nose in my face and would not go away. This was at 5:30 in the morning. I was so grumpy!!!

I've now been up for three hours and am still walking around with a black cloud over my head. My fiancĂ© is working 16-hour days this week, I have to get the house ready for our families when they visit tomorrow, I'm working on our wedding invitations and they're not going well...I could go on all day! 

BUT...I realized that I need to get out of my funk because I have a lot to do today. So here is a five-step process to get yourself out of a funk! Before I write about each of these items, I'm going to actually do it to make sure it helps. :-)

1. Eat something healthy. I just ate a banana and Greek yogurt. Already feeling better!

2. Take a shower. Yes, I just left this for 20 minutes so I could go shower to see if it helps. And it does! Wait a second--did I just catch myself thinking a positive thought?! Uh-oh...! :-)

3. Put on clothes that make you happy and feel good. Leggings and a sweater dress for me today! I know I have to clean and I generally wear jeans to do that, but even though jeans are practical, my skin is so sensitive today that the denim is "hard" and they hurt. Today is about feeling good! :-)

4. Make a list or schedule of your day. Here's mine: dishes, counters, stove, invitations, RSVPs, vacuuming, clutter pick-up, nap. Feeling a little overwhelmed, but at the same time, once I'm done with my list, I get to watch last night's Project Runway!

5. Blast some music to get you going! I have 50 channels of music on my TV and Pandora on my computer. Easy enough to find something to get me pumped up! 

Wow. After about an hour of all this, I am no longer a grumpy grouch! :-) I highly recommend doing this if you're in a funk.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi

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