Friday, April 5, 2013

5 Ways to De-Stress in 10 Minutes!

I have had an incredibly stressful week. I'm exhausted, but have a long weekend ahead of me. I know I'm not the only one out there who's stressed out, so here are 5 ways to de-stress in 10 minutes or less!

  1. Prioritize. Make yourself a list of everything you have to do today. Make a list of everything you have to do in the next week. Number the items in the order of most important to least important. Oh--and then do them. ;-)
  2. Take frequent small breaks. If you're like me, you enjoy working for 30 hours straight to finish something...but then you crash! I get obsessive about what I work on, but it's not healthy to do that! If you take a five (or so) minute break every 30 minutes, it'll help your focus.
  3. Hydrate. I know it sounds silly, but water helps every part of your body work better; including your brain! If you have enough water in your system, your brain function improves.
  4. Endorphin yourself! Yep, "endorphin" has just been turned into a verb by yours truly. :-) Do 10 jumping jacks, 9 pushups, 8 jumping jacks, 7 pushups, 6 jumping jacks, 5 pushups, 4 jumping jacks, 3 pushups, 2 jumping jacks, and 1 minute of high knees. You have just been "endorphined." ;-)
  5. Laugh. Go to Youtube and type in something that makes you laugh: baby kittens, puppies, baby laughs, silly dances, etc. Laugh for at least a minute! By the end of that minute, I'm betting you'll want to keep laughing--and laughing is good for you! 
With the wedding coming up, making my wedding dress, some personal situations, and financial stress, I'm really stressed. I really do try to do all of these things on a daily basis and they help. I wish you all a very relaxed, stress-free--well, I know it won't be stress-free, so I'll say "less-stressed"--weekend! 

And if your teams are playing in the Final Four like mine are (Louisville's men's and women's basketball teams made it to both Final Fours!!!), I hope they do you proud! I'm not going to say that I hope they win, because if you're anything but a Cards fan, no offense, but I don't want your team to win. ;-) Happy Weekend!
Win for Ware! Go Cards!
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi

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