Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Reflection and Inspiration

Before I get started with the post I was planning on writing, I want to take a moment to mention the attack on the U.S. consolate in Libya overnight. Our ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed in an attack by angry Muslims. They were upset by a film made by a Hollywod director (now in hiding, for good reason) that depicts Mohammad as a womanizer and a fraud.

There are two very interesting things I take from this story:
1) According to Good Morning America this morning, the director meant for this movie to be "provocative". I think this might have gone too far, though. I haven't seen the movie or trailer, for that matter, but if people are getting killed over it...that's crazy. I'm all for freedom of speech, but intentionaly portraying an incredibly well-known and influential prophet in a negative light seems like it's just asking for trouble--and recognition. Shock value films, outfits, and statements need to be looked at for the reasons they're made. This film was made to "show the destructive ideology of Islam," according to the above story. When making something like this, it is probably wise to think about how much it might help people understand Islam and how much it is going to piss people off.
2) It was not reported how many Muslims were killed; only how many Americans were killed.

Thinking of the families of those victims.

The story I originally wanted to talk about today is Aimee Copeland's amazing road to recovery. She was on "Katie" yesterday and she is fantastic! She is such an inspiration. Having chronic pain really pales in comparison when you watch this beautiful woman walk out on a walker with no hands, no left leg, and a prosthetic right leg. Through this entire process, she has had an amazing attitude! One of my favorite things she said yesterday was (not an exact quote, because I can't remember it perfectly), "I don't say I'm disabled; I say I have different abilities." How inspiring is that?! I feel like those of us with chronic health issues need to really look at what she is doing and saying and say, "I can do this!" I know there are many people with chronic health issues who do great, and I do pretty well some days. It's just nice to have someone to inspire you on the down days. It's amazing that she is only a year older than I am--I know it might sound funny because we are so close in age, but I admire her! She is definitely going on my personal hero list; hope she goes on yours, too! 

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi


  1. There is compelling evidence that this was a coordinated attack on the USA by terrorists under the pretense of using the movie as motivation. They knew how the administration would react--apologizing for our freedom of speech. This was a 9/11 attack, in my opinion. I cannot understand why our consulate was not better protected in such and unstable country.

  2. Interesting point--I've not watched the news tonight, so I haven't heard that the reason for them attacking our consulate was a plot to curb our freedom of speech! I'll definitely look that up. Thanks for your insight.
