Monday, September 24, 2012

Suicide: "Ridiculous"

It is with a heavy heart that I write this post.

Just over a year ago one of my high school classmates took his own life. Max was an amazing young man and all of us were very surprised when we found out what had happened. No one knows where he got a gun or why he drove to our high school parking lot to commit the act. He was a peaceful person who was very involved in the Adi Da "cult." I put cult in quotes because I don't want to anger a bunch of people. I'm putting a video in here that is a tribute to Max. I don't know who made it, but I love it. I hung out with him the week after the SAB video with him in the red cap came out. He was so excited about it; I really think his favorite word was "ridiculous." :)

So a lot of us still think about him and reminisce about him every now and again. I remember when I started yoga it was about a year after I last saw him and I was trying to get that calmness he talked about. He was a good guy; it's great to see him in this video again. :)

I got a message from a friend yesterday that let me know that Max's mother took her own life last week. She never recovered from Max's death. I barely knew her; as much as anyone knows the mom of a high school friend, really. But this made it really hit home that suicide is not just about the person who commits suicide. It affects everyone, some to the point where they never recover; and then the cycle continues. 

Suicide is something that is never the answer to any problem, no matter how big it is. Please talk to the people you know. If there is something weird going on, talk to them. Find out what they're thinking. If they need help, please get them help.

This is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline link. The phone number is 1-800-273-TALK. If anyone you know needs this number, please share it with them.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi

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