Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Online Blog Success! ... FINALLY!

I graduated with my bachelor's degree a year ago. I haven't been working because of my fibromyalgia pain. Our plan was for me to take this year to "get healthy" and then get a teaching job for the 2013-2014 school year. Well, that hasn't happened. I've had countless doctor appointments, multiple medicine trials, and all sorts of tests done, and we're still no closer to a solution to managing my pain.

I started this blog and its corresponding Twitter handle back in late August. I started my website and Facebook page in October. In January I started my FibroTips4Chicks blog and I started my Etsy site in February. And made no money from any of it until yesterday! I had my first and second Etsy sales in a matter of hours and my site views rose significantly. 

I've known that building a brand can take years, and I'm still not where I want to be by any means, but between my blogs, website, and Etsy site, I've had almost 27,000 views since August! That means I've averaged over 110 views a day, which is (from what I've read) a pretty decent traffic flow for a first-time blogger!

In terms of making money with my blogs, site, and Etsy shop, I'm right around $150, which I am thrilled about! The reason I started all the online stuff was so I could have an income from online endeavors by the time I wanted to stay at home with my kids (in a few years). But the fact that I'm getting to start making money from it now makes me feel incredibly grateful!

Thank you so much to all of you for helping me get to this point! I can't tell you how much it means to me to have my dream start coming true!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Gandhi


  1. Very happy for you and wish you continuing success. What I am finding very interesting during the last week or so: The progressive/libral bloggers and Tweeters that I read regularly are not commenting on any of the government scandels(AP records confiscation, IRS targeting groups that disagree with gov't agenda, Benghazi,bugging of Sen. McConnell's office), Gosnell trial... going down now. They are blogging about their mothers, TV shows they are just discovering, weddings, cancer, fibro,fashion, etc...I'd be very interested in knowing your initial reactions to any of these things. I say initial reactions because the info I'm getting from my 'progressive' friends is there isn't enough info to comment on anything yet. However, I'm noticing that they are not investigating or researching any of it.They are totally disengaged where they have always in the middle of everything. Just curious....

    1. Thanks! You are so right that a lot of us aren't commenting on this. I can't speak for anyone else, but I am getting married in 6 weeks, making my wedding dress, making my programs, designing and making my cake, and I am extremely busy. I understand that you want to hear about this, but to be honest, I don't have the time right now to investigate and research to the extent that I would want to research before posting about the scandals.

      In answer to what my initial reaction is: I'm angry. I worked my ass off to get Obama re-elected because he made me feel like he was different and IF (I'm saying "if" because I'm not going to assume anything) any of this leads back to the White House, I'm going to be REALLY upset.

      Let me be clear: yes, he is the President, so technically everything that happens under him is his problem, but if the IRS thing or the Benghazi thing or the AP thing or any of that is NOT tied with hard evidence back to his office, I will continue to be angry with our government and not him personally.

      I want to make it perfectly plain that I think it's inappropriate and rude for the right to assume that Obama is behind all of this (the right was pissed when the left said anything like what they're saying about Obama right now about Bush), but I also want to be very clear that I am not blindly going to bat for Obama or defending him until I KNOW what happened and I know that he wasn't involved.

      Sorry for putting the topic off in my posts right now--it's not because I'm trying to side step it. I'm working on a post about this for tomorrow or Thursday, but because I am so busy, I just don't feel comfortable posting something un-researched about this topic.

    2. Thanks for the comments!
